Reden / Talk

Här är låttexten till den bra låten Reden, men översatt till Engelska. :)

Hello, you're standing at my door
There is noone here apart, from you and me
For the time being come in, the rest comes by itself
In room 483
In here it's never really day
The light comes from the minibar
Tomorrow it won't still be light
Welcome to the hotel

We only wanted to talk
And now, you're lying here
And I'm lying beside, talking, talking

Come here, we won't be disturbed
I already explained that, Don't Disturb
Who cares where we'll be tomorrow
The world is now in here lie yourself back down
I listen to you, see your face
Your lips open up
Speak slowly not too fast
Welcome to the hotel

We only wanted to talk
And now, you're lying here
And I'm lying beside, talking, talking

By the door alarm, the whole world is calling
They are dragging me, I won't do anything without you
Talking, Talking

We only wanted to talk
And now, you're lying here
And I'm lying beside, talking, talking

Glöm inte att rösta på Tokio Hotel i >>Comet Awards!<< 
Sista dagen innan Fredag!!

Postat av: Malin

Tack tack =)

På google bara!


2009-05-27 @ 11:43:52
Postat av: Elina♥

hej! fin blogg:)

klicka gärna in på min blogg och säg vilken klänning du tycker jag ska köpa:)

Har en jävla beslutsångest

ha en bra dag!:D♥

2009-05-27 @ 15:48:40

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