En saga...
Tom kaulitz-HI! Every body and welcome to Tom and Bill kaulit"s storytime....... Storyn"s name is: Every body loves Tom kaulitz! Bill-Now! It was not that story! Bill- Storyn"s name is: A day with Tom and Bill kaulitz! Tom- What ever. Bill- ok lisin now. Först so sleep I and Tom like every body.Bill- Oh look! It"s me! Tom- Yeah we see that. And sen we eat frukost.Tom- I like to make a show with glas. Bill- And we practise to songs after that and that is funny! Georg and Gustav brukar be with then.Tom- YEAH !!!! Bill- We............eh...... brukar have a interview always very funny.......Tom- Yeah it"s very funny, funny, funny yeah. Tom- And then we brukar have a consert or we playBill- I LIKE TO SING ON A CONSERT! tom- Yeah we now that bill. Bill- And then we maybe gonna eat or do something. After that we.......Tom- We are with girls!Bill- YOU are with girls. Tom- yeah yeah. And efter that so ....... we going to bed i think:SBill- Yes! It was vår day. Bye Bye see you laterVendis- Den här kom jag på alldeles själv ha ha. Det fick bli nåra svenska ord för dom kunde jag inte i sånna fall he he /